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We are inviting those brave customers who are attempting to learn this impossible language to contact us. We have an extensive range of language learning material, including textbooks, audio tapes, video tapes, discs. Some of the language teaching packages are British or American publications, but we specialise on the ones that come from Hungary. For the beginners we have basic level textbooks and dictionaries. As an introduction to the culture, you can read Hungarian authors in English at first, then have a go at the bilingual texts to test your growing knowledge. For the intermediate or more advanced students we have more comprehensive textbooks and specialised dictionaries; as well as an extensive range of bilingual books, book tapes, simple children's books.




We hope you enjoy looking through our stocklists. If you find any items in which you are interested, send us an email with a list of the titles, along with any other queries that you may have. We will then advise you of the postage fee on your particular selection - please note we charge a minimum handling fee of £3.95 in case of a single item, but only the cost of actual postage and packing for more items.

Happy browsing!